"sessions":"for srs http callback, to handle the sessions requests: client play/stop stream",
"dvrs":"for srs http callback, to handle the dvr requests: dvr stream.",
"chats":"for srs demo meeting, the chat streams, public chat room.",
"summary":"for srs cdn node",
"POST ip=node_ip&os=node_os":"register a new node",
"GET":"get the active edge nodes",
"GET type=gslb&origin=demo.chnvideo.com":"get the gslb edge ip",
"GET type=hls&format=html&origin=demo.chnvideo.com&port=8080&stream=live/livestream":"get the play url, html for hls",
"GET type=rtmp&format=html&origin=demo.chnvideo.com&vhost=demo.srs.com&port=1935&stream=live/livestream":"get the play url, for rtmp"
"summary":"for srs raspberry-pi and meeting demo",
"GET":"get the current raspberry-pi servers info",
"GET id=gslb&device_id=chnvideo-sales-arm":"get the gslb edge ip",
"POST ip=node_ip&device_id=device_id":"the new raspberry-pi server info.",
"GET id=ingest&action=play&stream=live/livestream":"play the ingest HLS stream on raspberry-pi",
"GET id=ingest&action=rtmp&stream=live/livestream":"play the ingest RTMP stream on raspberry-pi",
"GET id=ingest&action=hls&stream=live/livestream":"play the ingest HLS stream on raspberry-pi",
"GET id=ingest&action=mgmt":"open the HTTP api url of raspberry-pi",
"GET id=meeting":"redirect to local raspberry-pi meeting url(local ignored)",
"GET id=meeting&local=false&index=0":"play the first(index=0) meeting HLS stream on demo.chnvideo.com(not local)",
"GET id=meeting&local=true&index=0":"play the first(index=0) meeting HLS stream on local server(local x86/x64 server), warn: raspberry-pi donot support HLS meeting."
"POST ip=node_ip&device_id=device_id":"the new raspberry-pi server info."