18.7 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import flash.system.Security;
    import flash.system.SecurityPanel;
    import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
    import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
    public class srs_publisher extends Sprite
        // user set id.
        private var js_id:String = null;
        // user set callback
        private var js_on_publisher_ready:String = null;
        private var js_on_publisher_error:String = null;
        private var js_on_publisher_warn:String = null;
        // publish param url.
        private var user_url:String = null;
        // play param, user set width and height
        private var user_w:int = 0;
        private var user_h:int = 0;
        private var user_vcodec:Object = {};
        private var user_acodec:Object = {};
        // media specified.
        private var media_conn:NetConnection = null;
        private var media_stream:NetStream = null;
        private var media_video:Video = null;
        private var media_camera:Camera = null;
        private var media_microphone:Microphone = null;
        // error code.
        private const error_camera_get:int = 100;
        private const error_microphone_get:int = 101;
        private const error_camera_muted:int = 102;
        private const error_connection_closed:int = 103;
        private const error_connection_failed:int = 104;
        public function srs_publisher()
            if (!this.stage) {
                this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.system_on_add_to_stage);
            } else {
         * system event callback, when this control added to stage.
         * the main function.
        private function system_on_add_to_stage(evt:Event):void {
            this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.system_on_add_to_stage);
            this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            this.contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
            var flashvars:Object = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
            if (!flashvars.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
                throw new Error("must specifies the id");
            this.js_id =;
            this.js_on_publisher_ready = flashvars.on_publisher_ready;
            this.js_on_publisher_error = flashvars.on_publisher_error;
            this.js_on_publisher_warn = flashvars.on_publisher_warn;
            // initialized size.
            this.user_w = flashvars.width;
            this.user_h = flashvars.height;
            // try to get the camera, if muted, alert the security and requires user to open it.
            var c:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
            if (c.muted) {
            flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 0);
         * system callack event, when js ready, register callback for js.
         * the actual main function.
        private function system_on_js_ready():void {
            if (!flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
                trace("js not ready, try later.");
                flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 100);
            flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__publish", this.js_call_publish);
            flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__stop", this.js_call_stop);
            var cameras:Array = Camera.names;
            var microphones:Array = Microphone.names;
            trace("retrieve system cameras(" + cameras + ") and microphones(" + microphones + ")");
  , this.js_id, cameras, microphones);
        * notify the js an error occur.
        private function system_error(code:int, desc:String):void {
            trace("system error, code=" + code + ", error=" + desc);
  , this.js_id, code);
        private function system_warn(code:int, desc:String):void {
            trace("system warn, code=" + code + ", error=" + desc);
  , this.js_id, code);
         * publish stream to server.
         * @param url a string indicates the rtmp url to publish.
         * @param _width, the player width.
         * @param _height, the player height.
         * @param vcodec an object contains the video codec info.
         * @param acodec an object contains the audio codec info.
        private function js_call_publish(url:String, _width:int, _height:int, vcodec:Object, acodec:Object):void {
            trace("start to publish to " + url + ", vcodec " + JSON.stringify(vcodec) + ", acodec " + JSON.stringify(acodec));
            this.user_url = url;
            this.user_w = _width;
            this.user_h = _height;
            this.user_vcodec = vcodec;
            this.user_acodec = acodec;
            // microphone and camera
            var microphone:Microphone = null;
            //microphone = Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone(acodec.device_code);
            if (!microphone) {
                microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone(acodec.device_code);
            if(microphone == null){
                this.system_error(this.error_microphone_get, "failed to open microphone " + acodec.device_code + "(" + acodec.device_name + ")");
            // ignore muted, for flash will require user to access it.
            // Remark: the name is the index!
            var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera(vcodec.device_code);
            if(camera == null){
                this.system_error(this.error_camera_get, "failed to open camera " + vcodec.device_code + "(" + vcodec.device_name + ")");
            // ignore muted, for flash will require user to access it.
            // but we still warn user.
            if(camera && camera.muted){
                this.system_warn(this.error_camera_muted, "Access Denied, camera " + vcodec.device_code + "(" + vcodec.device_name + ") is muted");
            this.media_camera = camera;
            this.media_microphone = microphone;
            this.media_conn = new NetConnection();
            this.media_conn.client = {};
            this.media_conn.client.onBWDone = function():void {};
            this.media_conn.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(evt:NetStatusEvent):void {
                trace ("NetConnection: code=" +;
                if ("data") && {
                    // for context menu
                    var customItems:Array = [new ContextMenuItem("SrsPlayer")];
                    if ("srs_server")) {
                        customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Server: " +;
                    if ("srs_contributor")) {
                        customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Contributor: " +;
                    contextMenu.customItems = customItems;

                if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Closed") {
                    system_error(error_connection_closed, "server closed the connection");
                if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") {
                    system_error(error_connection_failed, "connect to server failed");
                // TODO: FIXME: failed event.
                if ( != "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
                media_stream = new NetStream(media_conn);
                media_stream.client = {};
                media_stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(evt:NetStatusEvent):void {
                    trace ("NetStream: code=" +;
                    // TODO: FIXME: failed event.
                __build_video_codec(media_stream, camera, vcodec);
                __build_audio_codec(media_stream, microphone, acodec);
                if (media_microphone) {
                if (media_camera) {
                var streamName:String = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("/"));
            var tcUrl:String = this.user_url.substr(0, this.user_url.lastIndexOf("/"));
         * function for js to call: to stop the stream. ignore if not publish.
        private function js_call_stop():void {
            if (this.media_stream) {
                this.media_stream = null;
            if (this.media_conn) {
                this.media_conn = null;
        private function __build_audio_codec(stream:NetStream, m:Microphone, acodec:Object):void {
            if (!m) {
            // if no microphone, donot set the params.
            if(m == null){
            // use default values.
            var microEncodeQuality:int = 8;
            var microRate:int = 22; // 22 === 22050 Hz
            trace("[Publish] audio encoding parameters: " 
                + "audio(microphone) encodeQuality=" + microEncodeQuality
                + ", rate=" + microRate + "(22050Hz)"
            // The encoded speech quality when using the Speex codec. Possible values are from 0 to 10. The default value is 6. Higher numbers 
            // represent higher quality but require more bandwidth, as shown in the following table. The bit rate values that are listed represent 
            // net bit rates and do not include packetization overhead.
            m.encodeQuality = microEncodeQuality;
            // The rate at which the microphone is capturing sound, in kHz. Acceptable values are 5, 8, 11, 22, and 44. The default value is 8 kHz 
            // if your sound capture device supports this value. Otherwise, the default value is the next available capture level above 8 kHz that 
            // your sound capture device supports, usually 11 kHz.
            m.rate = microRate;
            // see:
            m.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;
            m.framesPerPacket = 1;
        private function __build_video_codec(stream:NetStream, c:Camera, vcodec:Object):void {
            if (!c) {
            if(vcodec.codec == "vp6"){
                trace("use VP6, donot use H.264 publish encoding.");

            var x264profile:String = (vcodec.profile == "main") ? H264Profile.MAIN : H264Profile.BASELINE;
            var x264level:String = vcodec.level;
            var cameraFps:Number = Number(vcodec.fps);
            var x264KeyFrameInterval:int = int( * cameraFps);
            var cameraWidth:int = String(vcodec.size).split("x")[0];
            var cameraHeight:int = String(vcodec.size).split("x")[1];
            var cameraBitrate:int = int(vcodec.bitrate);
            // use default values.
            var cameraQuality:int = 85;
            trace("[Publish] video h.264(x264) encoding parameters: " 
                + "profile=" + x264profile 
                + ", level=" + x264level
                + ", keyFrameInterval(gop)=" + x264KeyFrameInterval
                + "; video(camera) width=" + cameraWidth
                + ", height=" + cameraHeight
                + ", fps=" + cameraFps
                + ", bitrate=" + cameraBitrate
                + ", quality=" + cameraQuality
            var h264Settings:H264VideoStreamSettings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
            // we MUST set its values first, then set the NetStream.videoStreamSettings, or it will keep the origin values.
            h264Settings.setProfileLevel(x264profile, x264level); 
            stream.videoStreamSettings = h264Settings;
            // the setKeyFrameInterval/setMode/setQuality use the camera settings.
            // Note This feature will be supported in future releases of Flash Player and AIR, for now, Camera parameters are used.
            //h264Settings.setMode(800, 600, 15);
            //h264Settings.setQuality(500, 0);
            // set the camera and microphone.
            // setKeyFrameInterval(keyFrameInterval:int):void
            // 	keyFrameInterval:int — A value that specifies which video frames are transmitted in full (as keyframes) instead of being 
            //		interpolated by the video compression algorithm. A value of 1 means that every frame is a keyframe, a value of 3 means 
            //		that every third frame is a keyframe, and so on. Acceptable values are 1 through 48.
            // setMode(width:int, height:int, fps:Number, favorArea:Boolean = true):void
            //  width:int — The requested capture width, in pixels. The default value is 160.
            //  height:int — The requested capture height, in pixels. The default value is 120.
            //  fps:Number — The requested rate at which the camera should capture data, in frames per second. The default value is 15.
            c.setMode(cameraWidth, cameraHeight, cameraFps);
            // setQuality(bandwidth:int, quality:int):void
            //  bandwidth:int — Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that the current outgoing video feed can use, in bytes per second. 
            //		To specify that the video can use as much bandwidth as needed to maintain the value of quality, pass 0 for bandwidth. 
            //		The default value is 16384.
            //  quality:int — An integer that specifies the required level of picture quality, as determined by the amount of compression 
            // 		being applied to each video frame. Acceptable values range from 1 (lowest quality, maximum compression) to 100 
            //		(highest quality, no compression). To specify that picture quality can vary as needed to avoid exceeding bandwidth, 
            //		pass 0 for quality.
            //  winlin:
            //		bandwidth is in Bps not kbps. 
            //		quality=1 is lowest quality, 100 is highest quality.
            c.setQuality(cameraBitrate / 8.0 * 1000, cameraQuality);
        private function __show_local_camera(c:Camera):void {
            if (this.media_video) {
                this.media_video = null;
            // show local camera
            media_video = new Video();
            media_video.smoothing = true;
            // rescale the local camera.
            var cw:Number = user_h * c.width / c.height;
            if (cw > user_w) {
                var ch:Number = user_w * c.height / c.width;
                media_video.width = user_w;
                media_video.height = ch;
            } else {
                media_video.width = cw;
                media_video.height = user_h;
            media_video.x = (user_w - media_video.width) / 2;
            media_video.y = (user_h - media_video.height) / 2;
            __draw_black_background(user_w, user_h);
            // lowest layer, for mask to cover it.
            setChildIndex(media_video, 0);
         * draw black background and draw the fullscreen mask.
        private function __draw_black_background(_width:int, _height:int):void {
            // draw black bg.
  , 1.0);
  , 0, _width, _height);
            // draw the fs mask.
            //, 0);
            //, 0, _width, _height);