/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_KERNEL_CONSTS_HPP #define SRS_KERNEL_CONSTS_HPP /* #include <srs_kernel_consts.hpp> */ #include <srs_core.hpp> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RTMP consts values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default vhost of rtmp #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_DEFAULT_VHOST "__defaultVhost__" // default port of rtmp #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_DEFAULT_PORT "1935" // the default chunk size for system. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_SRS_CHUNK_SIZE 60000 // 6. Chunking, RTMP protocol default chunk size. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_PROTOCOL_CHUNK_SIZE 128 // the default setting of mr. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MR false #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MR_SLEEP 500 /** * 6. Chunking * The chunk size is configurable. It can be set using a control * message(Set Chunk Size) as described in section 7.1. The maximum * chunk size can be 65536 bytes and minimum 128 bytes. Larger values * reduce CPU usage, but also commit to larger writes that can delay * other content on lower bandwidth connections. Smaller chunks are not * good for high-bit rate streaming. Chunk size is maintained * independently for each direction. */ #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE 128 #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE 65536 // the following is the timeout for rtmp protocol, // to avoid death connection. // the timeout to send data to client, // if timeout, close the connection. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_SEND_TIMEOUT_US (int64_t)(30*1000*1000LL) // the timeout to wait client data, // if timeout, close the connection. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_RECV_TIMEOUT_US (int64_t)(30*1000*1000LL) // the timeout to wait for client control message, // if timeout, we generally ignore and send the data to client, // generally, it's the pulse time for data seding. // @remark, recomment to 500ms. #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_PULSE_TIMEOUT_US (int64_t)(500*1000LL) /** * max rtmp header size: * 1bytes basic header, * 11bytes message header, * 4bytes timestamp header, * that is, 1+11+4=16bytes. */ #define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MAX_FMT0_HEADER_SIZE 16 /** * max rtmp header size: * 1bytes basic header, * 4bytes timestamp header, * that is, 1+4=5bytes. */ // always use fmt0 as cache. //#define SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MAX_FMT3_HEADER_SIZE 5 /** * how many msgs can be send entirely. * for play clients to get msgs then totally send out. * for example, 25fps video, 40ms per video packet, * while audio is 20ms per audio packet where 2/3 is audios, * when SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS is 128, then * we will send all 128*40ms/3=1706ms packets in a time, * which should greater than the SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_PULSE_TIMEOUT_US * (for example, 500ms), that is, we should: * SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 40 / 3 >= SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_PULSE_TIMEOUT_US * @remark, recomment to 128. */ #define SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS 128 /** * for performance issue, * the iovs cache, @see https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/issues/194 * iovs cache for multiple messages for each connections. * each iovc is 16bytes, sizeof(iovec)=16, suppose the chunk size is 64k, * each message send in a chunk which needs only 2 iovec, * so the iovs max should be (SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 16 * 2) * * @remark, SRS will realloc when the iovs not enough. */ #define SRS_CONSTS_IOVS_MAX (SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 32) /** * for performance issue, * the c0c3 cache, @see https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/issues/194 * c0c3 cache for multiple messages for each connections. * each c0 <= 16byes, suppose the chunk size is 64k, * each message send in a chunk which needs only a c0 header, * so the c0c3 cache should be (SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 16) * * @remark, SRS will try another loop when c0c3 cache dry, for we cannot realloc it. * so we use larger c0c3 cache, that is (SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 32) */ #define SRS_CONSTS_C0C3_HEADERS_MAX (SYS_CONSTS_MAX_PLAY_SEND_MSGS * 32) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SRS consts values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SRS_CONSTS_NULL_FILE "/dev/null" #define SRS_CONSTS_LOCALHOST "" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // log consts values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // downloading speed-up, play to edge, ingest from origin #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_EDGE_PLAY "EIG" // uploading speed-up, publish to edge, foward to origin #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_EDGE_PUBLISH "EFW" // edge/origin forwarder. #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_FOWARDER "FWR" // play stream on edge/origin. #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_PLAY "PLA" // client publish to edge/origin #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_CLIENT_PUBLISH "CPB" // web/flash publish to edge/origin #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_WEB_PUBLISH "WPB" // ingester for edge(play)/origin #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_INGESTER "IGS" // hls log id. #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_HLS "HLS" // encoder log id. #define SRS_CONSTS_LOG_ENCODER "ENC" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pithy-print consts values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the pithy stage for all play clients. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_PLAY_USER 1 // the pithy stage for all publish clients. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_PUBLISH_USER 2 // the pithy stage for all forward clients. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_FORWARDER 3 // the pithy stage for all encoders. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_ENCODER 4 // the pithy stage for all hls. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_HLS 5 // the pithy stage for all ingesters. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_INGESTER 6 // the pithy stage for all edge. #define SRS_CONSTS_STAGE_EDGE 7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTTP consts values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // linux path seprator #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PATH_SEP '/' // query string seprator #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_QUERY_SEP '?' // 6.1.1 Status Code and Reason Phrase #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Continue 100 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SwitchingProtocols 101 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK 200 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Created 201 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Accepted 202 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation 203 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NoContent 204 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ResetContent 205 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PartialContent 206 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MultipleChoices 300 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MovedPermanently 301 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Found 302 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SeeOther 303 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotModified 304 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UseProxy 305 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_TemporaryRedirect 307 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadRequest 400 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Unauthorized 401 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PaymentRequired 402 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Forbidden 403 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound 404 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MethodNotAllowed 405 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotAcceptable 406 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ProxyAuthenticationRequired 407 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestTimeout 408 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Conflict 409 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Gone 410 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_LengthRequired 411 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PreconditionFailed 412 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge 413 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestURITooLarge 414 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType 415 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable 416 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ExpectationFailed 417 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_InternalServerError 500 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotImplemented 501 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadGateway 502 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ServiceUnavailable 503 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GatewayTimeout 504 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported 505 #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Continue_str "Continue" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SwitchingProtocols_str "Switching Protocols" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK_str "OK" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Created_str "Created " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Accepted_str "Accepted" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation_str "Non Authoritative Information " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NoContent_str "No Content " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ResetContent_str "Reset Content" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PartialContent_str "Partial Content" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MultipleChoices_str "Multiple Choices " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MovedPermanently_str "Moved Permanently" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Found_str "Found" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SeeOther_str "See Other" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotModified_str "Not Modified " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UseProxy_str "Use Proxy" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_TemporaryRedirect_str "Temporary Redirect " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadRequest_str "Bad Request" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Unauthorized_str "Unauthorized" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PaymentRequired_str "Payment Required " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Forbidden_str "Forbidden " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound_str "Not Found" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MethodNotAllowed_str "Method Not Allowed" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotAcceptable_str "Not Acceptable " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ProxyAuthenticationRequired_str "Proxy Authentication Required " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestTimeout_str "Request Timeout" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Conflict_str "Conflict" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Gone_str "Gone" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_LengthRequired_str "Length Required" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PreconditionFailed_str "Precondition Failed" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge_str "Request Entity Too Large " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestURITooLarge_str "Request URI Too Large" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType_str "Unsupported Media Type" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable_str "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ExpectationFailed_str "Expectation Failed " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_InternalServerError_str "Internal Server Error " #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotImplemented_str "Not Implemented" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadGateway_str "Bad Gateway" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ServiceUnavailable_str "Service Unavailable" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GatewayTimeout_str "Gateway Timeout" #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported_str "HTTP Version Not Supported" #endif