if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 <hls0> <hls1> [keep_ts]" echo " keep_ts to keep the download ts, default is off" echo "For example:" echo " $0" echo " $0" echo " $0 http://ossrs.net:1984/hls/live/livestream/live.m3u8 http://ossrs.net:1996/hls/live/livestream/live.m3u8" exit 1 fi hls0=$1 hls1=$2 keep_ts=NO if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then keep_ts=YES fi #echo "check hls backup of $hls0 vs $hls1, keep_ts=$keep_ts" hls0_tss=`curl $hls0 2>/dev/null |grep "\.ts"` hls1_tss=`curl $hls1 2>/dev/null |grep "\.ts"` hls0_prefix=`dirname $hls0` hls1_prefix=`dirname $hls1` work_dir="./hbt_temp_`date +%s`" md5_tool="md5" `md5sum --version >/dev/null 2>&1` && md5_tool="md5sum" #echo "use md5 tool: $md5_tool" CHECKED=NO OK=YES for ts in $hls0_tss; do match=NO for ts1 in $hls1_tss; do if [[ $ts == $ts1 ]]; then #echo "check ts $ts" match=YES break fi done #echo "check ts $ts, match=$match" if [ $match = NO ]; then echo "skip $ts" continue fi ts0_uri=$hls0_prefix/$ts ts1_uri=$hls1_prefix/$ts ts0_tmp=$work_dir/hls0/`basename $ts` ts1_tmp=$work_dir/hls1/`basename $ts` #echo "start check $ts0_uri($ts0_tmp) vs $ts1_uri($ts1_tmp)" mkdir -p `dirname $ts0_tmp` && curl $ts0_uri >$ts0_tmp 2>/dev/null && ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "download $ts0_uri to $ts0_tmp failed. ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi mkdir -p `dirname $ts1_tmp` && curl $ts1_uri >$ts1_tmp 2>/dev/null && ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "download $ts1_uri to $ts1_tmp failed. ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [[ $md5_tool == "md5" ]]; then ts0_cs=`$md5_tool $ts0_tmp|awk '{print $4}'` else ts0_cs=`$md5_tool $ts0_tmp|awk '{print $1}'` fi #echo "hls0: md5sum($ts0_tmp)=$ts0_cs" if [[ $md5_tool == "md5" ]]; then ts1_cs=`$md5_tool $ts1_tmp|awk '{print $4}'` else ts1_cs=`$md5_tool $ts1_tmp|awk '{print $1}'` fi #echo "hls1: md5sum($ts1_tmp)=$ts1_cs" if [[ $ts0_cs != $ts1_cs ]]; then echo "$ts0_uri($ts0_cs) not equals to $ts1_uri($ts1_cs)" OK=NO fi CHECKED=YES done if [ $keep_ts = NO ]; then #echo "clenaup work dir $work_dir" rm -rf $work_dir else echo "keep work dir $work_dir" fi #echo "=====================================================" if [[ $OK = YES && $CHECKED = YES ]]; then echo "OK" exit 0 else echo "FAILED" exit 1 fi exit 0