/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_KERNEL_ERROR_HPP #define SRS_KERNEL_ERROR_HPP /* #include <srs_kernel_error.hpp> */ #include <srs_core.hpp> // for srs-librtmp, @see https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/issues/213 #ifndef _WIN32 #define ERROR_SUCCESS 0 #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // system error. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ERROR_SOCKET_CREATE 1000 #define ERROR_SOCKET_SETREUSE 1001 #define ERROR_SOCKET_BIND 1002 #define ERROR_SOCKET_LISTEN 1003 #define ERROR_SOCKET_CLOSED 1004 #define ERROR_SOCKET_GET_PEER_NAME 1005 #define ERROR_SOCKET_GET_PEER_IP 1006 #define ERROR_SOCKET_READ 1007 #define ERROR_SOCKET_READ_FULLY 1008 #define ERROR_SOCKET_WRITE 1009 #define ERROR_SOCKET_WAIT 1010 #define ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT 1011 #define ERROR_SOCKET_CONNECT 1012 #define ERROR_ST_SET_EPOLL 1013 #define ERROR_ST_INITIALIZE 1014 #define ERROR_ST_OPEN_SOCKET 1015 #define ERROR_ST_CREATE_LISTEN_THREAD 1016 #define ERROR_ST_CREATE_CYCLE_THREAD 1017 #define ERROR_ST_CONNECT 1018 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PACKET_INVALID 1019 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CLIENT_INVALID 1020 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_ASSERT_FAILED 1021 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_SIZE_NEGATIVE 1022 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INVALID 1023 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRECTIVE 1024 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_BLOCK_START 1025 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_BLOCK_END 1026 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_EOF 1027 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_STREAM_BUSY 1028 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_IP_INVALID 1029 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FORWARD_LOOP 1030 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_WAITPID 1031 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_KEY 1032 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_DENIED 1033 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_ACQUIRE 1034 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_ALREADY_RUNNING 1035 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_LOCK 1036 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_TRUNCATE_FILE 1037 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_WRITE_FILE 1038 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_GET_FILE_INFO 1039 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_SET_FILE_INFO 1040 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_ALREADY_OPENED 1041 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_OPENE 1042 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_CLOSE 1043 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_READ 1044 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_WRITE 1045 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_EOF 1046 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_RENAME 1047 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CREATE_PIPE 1048 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_SEEK 1049 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_IO_INVALID 1050 #define ERROR_ST_EXCEED_THREADS 1051 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RTMP protocol error. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ERROR_RTMP_PLAIN_REQUIRED 2000 #define ERROR_RTMP_CHUNK_START 2001 #define ERROR_RTMP_MSG_INVLIAD_SIZE 2002 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_DECODE 2003 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_INVALID 2004 #define ERROR_RTMP_REQ_CONNECT 2005 #define ERROR_RTMP_REQ_TCURL 2006 #define ERROR_RTMP_MESSAGE_DECODE 2007 #define ERROR_RTMP_MESSAGE_ENCODE 2008 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_ENCODE 2009 #define ERROR_RTMP_CHUNK_SIZE 2010 #define ERROR_RTMP_TRY_SIMPLE_HS 2011 #define ERROR_RTMP_CH_SCHEMA 2012 #define ERROR_RTMP_PACKET_SIZE 2013 #define ERROR_RTMP_VHOST_NOT_FOUND 2014 #define ERROR_RTMP_ACCESS_DENIED 2015 #define ERROR_RTMP_HANDSHAKE 2016 #define ERROR_RTMP_NO_REQUEST 2017 #define ERROR_RTMP_HS_SSL_REQUIRE 2018 #define ERROR_RTMP_DURATION_EXCEED 2019 #define ERROR_RTMP_EDGE_PLAY_STATE 2020 #define ERROR_RTMP_EDGE_PUBLISH_STATE 2021 #define ERROR_RTMP_EDGE_PROXY_PULL 2022 #define ERROR_RTMP_EDGE_RELOAD 2023 #define ERROR_RTMP_AGGREGATE 2024 #define ERROR_RTMP_BWTC_DATA 2025 #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateDH 2026 #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateP 2027 #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateG 2028 #define ERROR_OpenSslParseP1024 2029 #define ERROR_OpenSslSetG 2030 #define ERROR_OpenSslGenerateDHKeys 2031 #define ERROR_OpenSslCopyKey 2032 #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256Update 2033 #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256Init 2034 #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256Final 2035 #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256EvpDigest 2036 #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256DigestSize 2037 #define ERROR_OpenSslGetPeerPublicKey 2038 #define ERROR_OpenSslComputeSharedKey 2039 // // system control message, // not an error, but special control logic. // sys ctl: rtmp close stream, support replay. #define ERROR_CONTROL_RTMP_CLOSE 2998 // FMLE stop publish and republish. #define ERROR_CONTROL_REPUBLISH 2999 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // application level /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ERROR_HLS_METADATA 3000 #define ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR 3001 #define ERROR_HLS_CREATE_DIR 3002 #define ERROR_HLS_OPEN_FAILED 3003 #define ERROR_HLS_WRITE_FAILED 3004 #define ERROR_HLS_AAC_FRAME_LENGTH 3005 #define ERROR_HLS_AVC_SAMPLE_SIZE 3006 #define ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_URI 3007 #define ERROR_HTTP_DATA_INVLIAD 3008 #define ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_HEADER 3009 #define ERROR_HTTP_HANDLER_MATCH_URL 3010 #define ERROR_HTTP_HANDLER_INVALID 3011 #define ERROR_HTTP_API_LOGS 3012 #define ERROR_HTTP_FLV_SEQUENCE_HEADER 3013 #define ERROR_HTTP_FLV_OFFSET_OVERFLOW 3014 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VCODEC 3015 #define ERROR_ENCODER_OUTPUT 3016 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ACHANNELS 3017 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ASAMPLE_RATE 3018 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ABITRATE 3019 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ACODEC 3020 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VPRESET 3021 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VPROFILE 3022 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VTHREADS 3023 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VHEIGHT 3024 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VWIDTH 3025 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VFPS 3026 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VBITRATE 3027 #define ERROR_ENCODER_FORK 3028 #define ERROR_ENCODER_LOOP 3029 #define ERROR_ENCODER_OPEN 3030 #define ERROR_ENCODER_DUP2 3031 #define ERROR_ENCODER_PARSE 3032 #define ERROR_ENCODER_NO_INPUT 3033 #define ERROR_ENCODER_NO_OUTPUT 3034 #define ERROR_ENCODER_INPUT_TYPE 3035 #define ERROR_KERNEL_FLV_HEADER 3036 #define ERROR_KERNEL_FLV_STREAM_CLOSED 3037 #define ERROR_KERNEL_STREAM_INIT 3038 #define ERROR_EDGE_VHOST_REMOVED 3039 #define ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS 3040 #define ERROR_H264_API_NO_PREFIXED 3041 #define ERROR_FLV_INVALID_VIDEO_TAG 3042 #define ERROR_H264_DROP_BEFORE_SPS_PPS 3043 #define ERROR_H264_DUPLICATED_SPS 3044 #define ERROR_H264_DUPLICATED_PPS 3045 #define ERROR_AAC_REQUIRED_ADTS 3046 #define ERROR_AAC_ADTS_HEADER 3047 #define ERROR_AAC_DATA_INVALID 3048 /** * whether the error code is an system control error. */ extern bool srs_is_system_control_error(int error_code); extern bool srs_is_client_gracefully_close(int error_code); /** @remark: use column copy to generate the new error codes. 01234567890 01234567891 01234567892 01234567893 01234567894 01234567895 01234567896 01234567897 01234567898 01234567899 */ #endif