/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_KERNEL_ERROR_HPP #define SRS_KERNEL_ERROR_HPP /* #include <srs_kernel_error.hpp> */ #include <srs_core.hpp> #define ERROR_SUCCESS 0 #define ERROR_ST_SET_EPOLL 100 #define ERROR_ST_INITIALIZE 101 #define ERROR_ST_OPEN_SOCKET 102 #define ERROR_ST_CREATE_LISTEN_THREAD 103 #define ERROR_ST_CREATE_CYCLE_THREAD 104 #define ERROR_ST_CONNECT 105 #define ERROR_SOCKET_CREATE 200 #define ERROR_SOCKET_SETREUSE 201 #define ERROR_SOCKET_BIND 202 #define ERROR_SOCKET_LISTEN 203 #define ERROR_SOCKET_CLOSED 204 #define ERROR_SOCKET_GET_PEER_NAME 205 #define ERROR_SOCKET_GET_PEER_IP 206 #define ERROR_SOCKET_READ 207 #define ERROR_SOCKET_READ_FULLY 208 #define ERROR_SOCKET_WRITE 209 #define ERROR_SOCKET_WAIT 210 #define ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT 211 #define ERROR_SOCKET_GET_LOCAL_IP 212 #define ERROR_RTMP_PLAIN_REQUIRED 300 #define ERROR_RTMP_CHUNK_START 301 #define ERROR_RTMP_MSG_INVLIAD_SIZE 302 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_DECODE 303 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_INVALID 304 #define ERROR_RTMP_REQ_CONNECT 305 #define ERROR_RTMP_REQ_TCURL 306 #define ERROR_RTMP_MESSAGE_DECODE 307 #define ERROR_RTMP_MESSAGE_ENCODE 308 #define ERROR_RTMP_AMF0_ENCODE 309 #define ERROR_RTMP_CHUNK_SIZE 310 #define ERROR_RTMP_TRY_SIMPLE_HS 311 #define ERROR_RTMP_CH_SCHEMA 312 #define ERROR_RTMP_PACKET_SIZE 313 #define ERROR_RTMP_VHOST_NOT_FOUND 314 #define ERROR_RTMP_ACCESS_DENIED 315 #define ERROR_RTMP_HANDSHAKE 316 #define ERROR_RTMP_NO_REQUEST 317 // if user use complex handshake, but without ssl, // 1. srs is ok, ignore and turn to simple handshake. // 2. srs-librtmp return error, to terminate the program. #define ERROR_RTMP_HS_SSL_REQUIRE 318 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_STREAM_INIT 400 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PACKET_INVALID 401 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CLIENT_INVALID 402 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_ASSERT_FAILED 403 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_SIZE_NEGATIVE 404 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INVALID 405 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIRECTIVE 406 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_BLOCK_START 407 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_BLOCK_END 408 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_EOF 409 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_STREAM_BUSY 410 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_IP_INVALID 411 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_FORWARD_LOOP 412 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_WAITPID 413 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_KEY 414 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_DENIED 415 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_ACQUIRE 416 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_ALREADY_RUNNING 417 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_LOCK 418 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_TRUNCATE_FILE 419 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_WRITE_FILE 420 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_GET_FILE_INFO 421 #define ERROR_SYSTEM_PID_SET_FILE_INFO 422 // see librtmp. // failed when open ssl create the dh #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateDH 500 // failed when open ssl create the Private key. #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateP 501 // when open ssl create G. #define ERROR_OpenSslCreateG 502 // when open ssl parse P1024 #define ERROR_OpenSslParseP1024 503 // when open ssl set G #define ERROR_OpenSslSetG 504 // when open ssl generate DHKeys #define ERROR_OpenSslGenerateDHKeys 505 // when open ssl share key already computed. #define ERROR_OpenSslShareKeyComputed 506 // when open ssl get shared key size. #define ERROR_OpenSslGetSharedKeySize 507 // when open ssl get peer public key. #define ERROR_OpenSslGetPeerPublicKey 508 // when open ssl compute shared key. #define ERROR_OpenSslComputeSharedKey 509 // when open ssl is invalid DH state. #define ERROR_OpenSslInvalidDHState 510 // when open ssl copy key #define ERROR_OpenSslCopyKey 511 // when open ssl sha256 digest key invalid size. #define ERROR_OpenSslSha256DigestSize 512 #define ERROR_HLS_METADATA 600 #define ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR 601 #define ERROR_HLS_CREATE_DIR 602 #define ERROR_HLS_OPEN_FAILED 603 #define ERROR_HLS_WRITE_FAILED 604 #define ERROR_HLS_AAC_FRAME_LENGTH 605 #define ERROR_HLS_AVC_SAMPLE_SIZE 606 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VCODEC 700 #define ERROR_ENCODER_OUTPUT 701 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ACHANNELS 702 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ASAMPLE_RATE 703 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ABITRATE 704 #define ERROR_ENCODER_ACODEC 705 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VPRESET 706 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VPROFILE 707 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VTHREADS 708 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VHEIGHT 709 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VWIDTH 710 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VFPS 711 #define ERROR_ENCODER_VBITRATE 712 #define ERROR_ENCODER_FORK 713 #define ERROR_ENCODER_LOOP 714 #define ERROR_ENCODER_OPEN 715 #define ERROR_ENCODER_DUP2 716 #define ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_URI 800 #define ERROR_HTTP_DATA_INVLIAD 801 #define ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_HEADER 802 // system control message, // not an error, but special control logic. // sys ctl: rtmp close stream, support replay. #define ERROR_CONTROL_RTMP_CLOSE 900 // FMLE stop publish and republish. #define ERROR_CONTROL_REPUBLISH 901 /** * whether the error code is an system control error. */ extern bool srs_is_system_control_error(int error_code); extern bool srs_is_client_gracefully_close(int error_code); #endif