/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_APP_CONIFG_HPP #define SRS_APP_CONIFG_HPP /* #include <srs_app_config.hpp> */ #include <srs_core.hpp> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <srs_app_reload.hpp> // default vhost for rtmp #define RTMP_VHOST_DEFAULT "__defaultVhost__" #define SRS_LOCALHOST "" #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_PID_FILE "./objs/srs.pid" #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_HLS_PATH "./objs/nginx/html" #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_HLS_FRAGMENT 10 #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_HLS_WINDOW 60 // in ms, for HLS aac sync time. #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_AAC_SYNC 100 // in ms, for HLS aac flush the audio #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_AAC_DELAY 300 // in seconds, the live queue length. #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_QUEUE_LENGTH 30 // in seconds, the paused queue length. #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_PAUSED_LENGTH 10 // the interval in seconds for bandwidth check #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_INTERVAL 30 // the interval in seconds for bandwidth check #define SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_KBPS 1000 #define SRS_STAGE_PLAY_USER_INTERVAL_MS 1300 #define SRS_STAGE_PUBLISH_USER_INTERVAL_MS 1100 #define SRS_STAGE_FORWARDER_INTERVAL_MS 2000 #define SRS_STAGE_ENCODER_INTERVAL_MS 2000 #define SRS_STAGE_HLS_INTERVAL_MS 2000 class SrsFileBuffer; class SrsConfDirective { public: int conf_line; std::string name; std::vector<std::string> args; std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> directives; public: SrsConfDirective(); virtual ~SrsConfDirective(); std::string arg0(); std::string arg1(); std::string arg2(); SrsConfDirective* at(int index); SrsConfDirective* get(std::string _name); SrsConfDirective* get(std::string _name, std::string _arg0); public: virtual int parse(const char* filename); public: enum SrsDirectiveType{parse_file, parse_block}; virtual int parse_conf(SrsFileBuffer* buffer, SrsDirectiveType type); virtual int read_token(SrsFileBuffer* buffer, std::vector<std::string>& args); }; /** * the config parser. * for the config supports reload, so never keep the reference cross st-thread, * that is, never save the SrsConfDirective* get by any api of config, * for it maybe free in the reload st-thread cycle. * you can keep it before st-thread switch, or simply never keep it. */ class SrsConfig { private: bool show_help; bool show_version; std::string config_file; SrsConfDirective* root; std::vector<ISrsReloadHandler*> subscribes; public: SrsConfig(); virtual ~SrsConfig(); public: virtual int reload(); virtual void subscribe(ISrsReloadHandler* handler); virtual void unsubscribe(ISrsReloadHandler* handler); public: virtual int parse_options(int argc, char** argv); private: virtual int parse_file(const char* filename); virtual int parse_argv(int& i, char** argv); virtual void print_help(char** argv); public: virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost(std::string vhost); virtual bool get_vhost_enabled(std::string vhost); virtual bool get_vhost_enabled(SrsConfDirective* vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_connect(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_close(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_publish(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_unpublish(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_play(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_stop(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_transcode(std::string vhost, std::string scope); virtual bool get_transcode_enabled(SrsConfDirective* transcode); virtual std::string get_transcode_ffmpeg(SrsConfDirective* transcode); virtual void get_transcode_engines(SrsConfDirective* transcode, std::vector<SrsConfDirective*>& engines); virtual bool get_engine_enabled(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual std::string get_engine_vcodec(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_vbitrate(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual double get_engine_vfps(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_vwidth(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_vheight(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_vthreads(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual std::string get_engine_vprofile(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual std::string get_engine_vpreset(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual void get_engine_vparams(SrsConfDirective* engine, std::vector<std::string>& vparams); virtual void get_engine_vfilter(SrsConfDirective* engine, std::vector<std::string>& vfilter); virtual std::string get_engine_acodec(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_abitrate(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_asample_rate(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual int get_engine_achannels(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual void get_engine_aparams(SrsConfDirective* engine, std::vector<std::string>& aparams); virtual std::string get_engine_output(SrsConfDirective* engine); virtual std::string get_ffmpeg_log_dir(); virtual bool get_srs_log_tank_file(); virtual std::string get_srs_log_file(); virtual bool get_deamon(); virtual int get_max_connections(); virtual bool get_gop_cache(std::string vhost); virtual bool get_atc(std::string vhost); virtual double get_queue_length(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_forward(std::string vhost); // hls section private: virtual SrsConfDirective* get_hls(std::string vhost); public: virtual bool get_hls_enabled(std::string vhost); virtual std::string get_hls_path(std::string vhost); virtual double get_hls_fragment(std::string vhost); virtual double get_hls_window(std::string vhost); // http api section private: virtual SrsConfDirective* get_http_api(); public: virtual bool get_http_api_enabled(); virtual int get_http_api_listen(); // http stream section private: virtual SrsConfDirective* get_http_stream(); public: virtual bool get_http_stream_enabled(); virtual int get_http_stream_listen(); // others public: virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer_play(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer_publish(std::string vhost); virtual SrsConfDirective* get_listen(); virtual std::string get_pid_file(); virtual int get_chunk_size(const std::string& vhost); virtual int get_pithy_print_publish(); virtual int get_pithy_print_forwarder(); virtual int get_pithy_print_encoder(); virtual int get_pithy_print_hls(); virtual int get_pithy_print_play(); virtual bool get_bw_check_enabled(const std::string& vhost); virtual std::string get_bw_check_key(const std::string& vhost); virtual int get_bw_check_interval_ms(const std::string& vhost); virtual int get_bw_check_limit_kbps(const std::string& vhost); }; /** * deep compare directive. */ bool srs_directive_equals(SrsConfDirective* a, SrsConfDirective* b); // global config extern SrsConfig* _srs_config; #endif