/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_APP_SOURCE_HPP #define SRS_APP_SOURCE_HPP /* #include <srs_app_source.hpp> */ #include <srs_core.hpp> #include <map> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <srs_app_st.hpp> #include <srs_app_reload.hpp> class SrsSource; class SrsCommonMessage; class SrsOnMetaDataPacket; class SrsSharedPtrMessage; class SrsForwarder; class SrsRequest; #ifdef SRS_HLS class SrsHls; #endif #ifdef SRS_FFMPEG class SrsEncoder; #endif /** * time jitter detect and correct, * to ensure the rtmp stream is monotonically. */ class SrsRtmpJitter { private: int64_t last_pkt_time; int64_t last_pkt_correct_time; public: SrsRtmpJitter(); virtual ~SrsRtmpJitter(); public: /** * detect the time jitter and correct it. */ virtual int correct(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, int tba, int tbv); /** * get current client time, the last packet time. */ virtual int get_time(); }; /** * the message queue for the consumer(client), forwarder. * we limit the size in seconds, drop old messages(the whole gop) if full. */ class SrsMessageQueue { private: int64_t av_start_time; int64_t av_end_time; int queue_size_ms; std::vector<SrsSharedPtrMessage*> msgs; public: SrsMessageQueue(); virtual ~SrsMessageQueue(); public: /** * set the queue size * @param queue_size the queue size in seconds. */ virtual void set_queue_size(double queue_size); public: /** * enqueue the message, the timestamp always monotonically. * @param msg, the msg to enqueue, user never free it whatever the return code. */ virtual int enqueue(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); /** * get packets in consumer queue. * @pmsgs SrsMessages*[], output the prt array. * @count the count in array. * @max_count the max count to dequeue, 0 to dequeue all. */ virtual int get_packets(int max_count, SrsSharedPtrMessage**& pmsgs, int& count); private: /** * remove a gop from the front. * if no iframe found, clear it. */ virtual void shrink(); virtual void clear(); }; /** * the consumer for SrsSource, that is a play client. */ class SrsConsumer { private: SrsRtmpJitter* jitter; SrsSource* source; SrsMessageQueue* queue; bool paused; public: SrsConsumer(SrsSource* _source); virtual ~SrsConsumer(); public: virtual void set_queue_size(double queue_size); public: /** * get current client time, the last packet time. */ virtual int get_time(); /** * enqueue an shared ptr message. * @param tba timebase of audio. * used to calc the audio time delta if time-jitter detected. * @param tbv timebase of video. * used to calc the video time delta if time-jitter detected. */ virtual int enqueue(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, int tba, int tbv); /** * get packets in consumer queue. * @pmsgs SrsMessages*[], output the prt array. * @count the count in array. * @max_count the max count to dequeue, 0 to dequeue all. */ virtual int get_packets(int max_count, SrsSharedPtrMessage**& pmsgs, int& count); /** * when client send the pause message. */ virtual int on_play_client_pause(bool is_pause); }; /** * cache a gop of video/audio data, * delivery at the connect of flash player, * to enable it to fast startup. */ class SrsGopCache { private: /** * if disabled the gop cache, * the client will wait for the next keyframe for h264, * and will be black-screen. */ bool enable_gop_cache; /** * the video frame count, avoid cache for pure audio stream. */ int cached_video_count; /** * cached gop. */ std::vector<SrsSharedPtrMessage*> gop_cache; public: SrsGopCache(); virtual ~SrsGopCache(); public: virtual void set(bool enabled); /** * only for h264 codec * 1. cache the gop when got h264 video packet. * 2. clear gop when got keyframe. */ virtual int cache(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); virtual void clear(); virtual int dump(SrsConsumer* consumer, int tba, int tbv); /** * used for atc to get the time of gop cache, * the atc will adjust the sequence header timestamp to gop cache. */ virtual bool empty(); virtual int64_t get_start_time(); }; /** * live streaming source. */ class SrsSource : public ISrsReloadHandler { private: static std::map<std::string, SrsSource*> pool; public: /** * find stream by vhost/app/stream. * @param req the client request. * @return the matched source, never be NULL. * @remark stream_url should without port and schema. */ static SrsSource* find(SrsRequest* req); private: // deep copy of client request. SrsRequest* req; // to delivery stream to clients. std::vector<SrsConsumer*> consumers; // hls handler. #ifdef SRS_HLS SrsHls* hls; #endif // transcoding handler. #ifdef SRS_FFMPEG SrsEncoder* encoder; #endif // gop cache for client fast startup. SrsGopCache* gop_cache; // to forward stream to other servers std::vector<SrsForwarder*> forwarders; private: /** * the sample rate of audio in metadata. */ int sample_rate; /** * the video frame rate in metadata. */ int frame_rate; /** * can publish, true when is not streaming */ bool _can_publish; /** * atc whether atc(use absolute time and donot adjust time), * directly use msg time and donot adjust if atc is true, * otherwise, adjust msg time to start from 0 to make flash happy. */ // TODO: FIXME: to support reload atc. bool atc; private: SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_metadata; // the cached video sequence header. SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_sh_video; // the cached audio sequence header. SrsSharedPtrMessage* cache_sh_audio; public: /** * @param _req the client request object, * this object will deep copy it for reload. */ SrsSource(SrsRequest* _req); virtual ~SrsSource(); // interface ISrsReloadHandler public: virtual int on_reload_gop_cache(std::string vhost); virtual int on_reload_queue_length(std::string vhost); virtual int on_reload_forward(std::string vhost); virtual int on_reload_hls(std::string vhost); virtual int on_reload_transcode(std::string vhost); public: // for the SrsForwarder to callback to request the sequence headers. virtual int on_forwarder_start(SrsForwarder* forwarder); // for the SrsHls to callback to request the sequence headers. virtual int on_hls_start(); public: virtual bool can_publish(); virtual int on_meta_data(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsOnMetaDataPacket* metadata); virtual int on_audio(SrsCommonMessage* audio); virtual int on_video(SrsCommonMessage* video); /** * publish stream event notify. * @param _req the request from client, the source will deep copy it, * for when reload the request of client maybe invalid. */ virtual int on_publish(SrsRequest* _req); virtual void on_unpublish(); public: virtual int create_consumer(SrsConsumer*& consumer); virtual void on_consumer_destroy(SrsConsumer* consumer); virtual void set_cache(bool enabled); // internal public: // for consumer, atc feature. virtual bool is_atc(); private: virtual int create_forwarders(); virtual void destroy_forwarders(); }; #endif