/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <srs_app_avc_aac.hpp> #include <srs_kernel_error.hpp> #include <srs_kernel_log.hpp> #include <srs_kernel_stream.hpp> #include <srs_protocol_amf0.hpp> #include <srs_app_utility.hpp> #include <srs_protocol_utility.hpp> SrsCodecSampleUnit::SrsCodecSampleUnit() { size = 0; bytes = NULL; } SrsCodecSampleUnit::~SrsCodecSampleUnit() { } SrsCodecSample::SrsCodecSample() { clear(); } SrsCodecSample::~SrsCodecSample() { } void SrsCodecSample::clear() { is_video = false; nb_sample_units = 0; cts = 0; frame_type = SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameReserved; avc_packet_type = SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeReserved; sound_rate = SrsCodecAudioSampleRateReserved; sound_size = SrsCodecAudioSampleSizeReserved; sound_type = SrsCodecAudioSoundTypeReserved; aac_packet_type = SrsCodecAudioTypeReserved; } int SrsCodecSample::add_sample_unit(char* bytes, int size) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (nb_sample_units >= __SRS_SRS_MAX_CODEC_SAMPLE) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode samples error, " "exceed the max count: %d, ret=%d", __SRS_SRS_MAX_CODEC_SAMPLE, ret); return ret; } SrsCodecSampleUnit* sample_unit = &sample_units[nb_sample_units++]; sample_unit->bytes = bytes; sample_unit->size = size; return ret; } SrsAvcAacCodec::SrsAvcAacCodec() { width = 0; height = 0; duration = 0; NAL_unit_length = 0; frame_rate = 0; video_data_rate = 0; video_codec_id = 0; audio_data_rate = 0; audio_codec_id = 0; avc_profile = 0; avc_level = 0; aac_profile = 0; aac_sample_rate = __SRS_AAC_SAMPLE_RATE_UNSET; // sample rate ignored aac_channels = 0; avc_extra_size = 0; avc_extra_data = NULL; aac_extra_size = 0; aac_extra_data = NULL; sequenceParameterSetLength = 0; sequenceParameterSetNALUnit = NULL; pictureParameterSetLength = 0; pictureParameterSetNALUnit = NULL; stream = new SrsStream(); } SrsAvcAacCodec::~SrsAvcAacCodec() { srs_freep(avc_extra_data); srs_freep(aac_extra_data); srs_freep(stream); srs_freep(sequenceParameterSetNALUnit); srs_freep(pictureParameterSetNALUnit); } int SrsAvcAacCodec::metadata_demux(SrsAmf0Object* metadata) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; srs_assert(metadata); SrsAmf0Object* obj = metadata; // finger out the codec info from metadata if possible. SrsAmf0Any* prop = NULL; if ((prop = obj->get_property("duration")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { duration = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("width")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { width = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("height")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { height = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("framerate")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { frame_rate = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("videocodecid")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { video_codec_id = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("videodatarate")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { video_data_rate = (int)(1000 * prop->to_number()); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("audiocodecid")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { audio_codec_id = (int)prop->to_number(); } if ((prop = obj->get_property("audiodatarate")) != NULL && prop->is_number()) { audio_data_rate = (int)(1000 * prop->to_number()); } // ignore the following, for each flv/rtmp packet contains them: // audiosamplerate, sample->sound_rate // audiosamplesize, sample->sound_size // stereo, sample->sound_type return ret; } int SrsAvcAacCodec::audio_aac_demux(char* data, int size, SrsCodecSample* sample) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; sample->is_video = false; if (!data || size <= 0) { srs_trace("no audio present, hls ignore it."); return ret; } if ((ret = stream->initialize(data, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // audio decode if (!stream->require(1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode audio sound_format failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // @see: E.4.2 Audio Tags, video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 76 int8_t sound_format = stream->read_1bytes(); int8_t sound_type = sound_format & 0x01; int8_t sound_size = (sound_format >> 1) & 0x01; int8_t sound_rate = (sound_format >> 2) & 0x03; sound_format = (sound_format >> 4) & 0x0f; audio_codec_id = sound_format; sample->sound_type = (SrsCodecAudioSoundType)sound_type; sample->sound_rate = (SrsCodecAudioSampleRate)sound_rate; sample->sound_size = (SrsCodecAudioSampleSize)sound_size; // only support aac if (audio_codec_id != SrsCodecAudioAAC) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls only support audio aac codec. actual=%d, ret=%d", audio_codec_id, ret); return ret; } if (!stream->require(1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode audio aac_packet_type failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } int8_t aac_packet_type = stream->read_1bytes(); sample->aac_packet_type = (SrsCodecAudioType)aac_packet_type; if (aac_packet_type == SrsCodecAudioTypeSequenceHeader) { // AudioSpecificConfig // AudioSpecificConfig, in aac-mp4a-format-ISO_IEC_14496-3+2001.pdf, page 33. aac_extra_size = stream->size() - stream->pos(); if (aac_extra_size > 0) { srs_freep(aac_extra_data); aac_extra_data = new char[aac_extra_size]; memcpy(aac_extra_data, stream->data() + stream->pos(), aac_extra_size); } // only need to decode the first 2bytes: // audioObjectType, aac_profile, 5bits. // samplingFrequencyIndex, aac_sample_rate, 4bits. // channelConfiguration, aac_channels, 4bits if (!stream->require(2)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode audio aac sequence header failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } aac_profile = stream->read_1bytes(); aac_sample_rate = stream->read_1bytes(); aac_channels = (aac_sample_rate >> 3) & 0x0f; aac_sample_rate = ((aac_profile << 1) & 0x0e) | ((aac_sample_rate >> 7) & 0x01); aac_profile = (aac_profile >> 3) & 0x1f; if (aac_profile == 0 || aac_profile == 0x1f) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode audio aac sequence header failed, " "adts object=%d invalid. ret=%d", aac_profile, ret); return ret; } // TODO: FIXME: to support aac he/he-v2, see: ngx_rtmp_codec_parse_aac_header // @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/nginx-rtmp-module/commit/3a5f9eea78fc8d11e8be922aea9ac349b9dcbfc2 // // donot force to LC, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/issues/81 // the source will print the sequence header info. //if (aac_profile > 3) { // Mark all extended profiles as LC // to make Android as happy as possible. // @see: ngx_rtmp_hls_parse_aac_header //aac_profile = 1; //} } else if (aac_packet_type == SrsCodecAudioTypeRawData) { // ensure the sequence header demuxed if (aac_extra_size <= 0 || !aac_extra_data) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode audio aac failed, sequence header not found. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // Raw AAC frame data in UI8 [] // 6.3 Raw Data, aac-iso-13818-7.pdf, page 28 if ((ret = sample->add_sample_unit(stream->data() + stream->pos(), stream->size() - stream->pos())) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("hls add audio sample failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } } else { // ignored. } // reset the sample rate by sequence header if (aac_sample_rate != __SRS_AAC_SAMPLE_RATE_UNSET) { static int aac_sample_rates[] = { 96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350, 0, 0, 0 }; switch (aac_sample_rates[aac_sample_rate]) { case 11025: sample->sound_rate = SrsCodecAudioSampleRate11025; break; case 22050: sample->sound_rate = SrsCodecAudioSampleRate22050; break; case 44100: sample->sound_rate = SrsCodecAudioSampleRate44100; break; default: break; }; } srs_info("audio decoded, type=%d, codec=%d, asize=%d, rate=%d, format=%d, size=%d", sound_type, audio_codec_id, sound_size, sound_rate, sound_format, size); return ret; } int SrsAvcAacCodec::video_avc_demux(char* data, int size, SrsCodecSample* sample) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; sample->is_video = true; if (!data || size <= 0) { srs_trace("no video present, hls ignore it."); return ret; } if ((ret = stream->initialize(data, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // video decode if (!stream->require(1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video frame_type failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // @see: E.4.3 Video Tags, video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 78 int8_t frame_type = stream->read_1bytes(); int8_t codec_id = frame_type & 0x0f; frame_type = (frame_type >> 4) & 0x0f; sample->frame_type = (SrsCodecVideoAVCFrame)frame_type; // only support h.264/avc if (codec_id != SrsCodecVideoAVC) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls only support video h.264/avc codec. actual=%d, ret=%d", codec_id, ret); return ret; } video_codec_id = codec_id; if (!stream->require(4)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc_packet_type failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } int8_t avc_packet_type = stream->read_1bytes(); int32_t composition_time = stream->read_3bytes(); // pts = dts + cts. sample->cts = composition_time; sample->avc_packet_type = (SrsCodecVideoAVCType)avc_packet_type; if (avc_packet_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeSequenceHeader) { if ((ret = avc_demux_sps_pps(stream)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } } else if (avc_packet_type == SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeNALU){ // ensure the sequence header demuxed if (avc_extra_size <= 0 || !avc_extra_data) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc failed, sequence header not found. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // One or more NALUs (Full frames are required) // try "AnnexB" from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211. if ((ret = avc_demux_annexb_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // stop try when system error. if (ret != ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS) { srs_error("avc demux for annexb failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // try "ISO Base Media File Format" from H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20 if ((ret = avc_demux_ibmf_format(stream, sample)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } } } else { // ignored. } srs_info("video decoded, type=%d, codec=%d, avc=%d, time=%d, size=%d", frame_type, video_codec_id, avc_packet_type, composition_time, size); return ret; } int SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_sps_pps(SrsStream* stream) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord // Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 16 avc_extra_size = stream->size() - stream->pos(); if (avc_extra_size > 0) { srs_freep(avc_extra_data); avc_extra_data = new char[avc_extra_size]; memcpy(avc_extra_data, stream->data() + stream->pos(), avc_extra_size); } if (!stream->require(6)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } //int8_t configurationVersion = stream->read_1bytes(); stream->read_1bytes(); //int8_t AVCProfileIndication = stream->read_1bytes(); avc_profile = stream->read_1bytes(); //int8_t profile_compatibility = stream->read_1bytes(); stream->read_1bytes(); //int8_t AVCLevelIndication = stream->read_1bytes(); avc_level = stream->read_1bytes(); // parse the NALU size. int8_t lengthSizeMinusOne = stream->read_1bytes(); lengthSizeMinusOne &= 0x03; NAL_unit_length = lengthSizeMinusOne; // Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 16 // AVC decoder configuration record // Semantics // The value of this field shall be one of 0, 1, or 3 corresponding to a // length encoded with 1, 2, or 4 bytes, respectively. if (NAL_unit_length == 2) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("sps lengthSizeMinusOne should never be 2. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // 1 sps if (!stream->require(1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header sps failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } int8_t numOfSequenceParameterSets = stream->read_1bytes(); numOfSequenceParameterSets &= 0x1f; if (numOfSequenceParameterSets != 1) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header sps failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (!stream->require(2)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header sps size failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } sequenceParameterSetLength = stream->read_2bytes(); if (!stream->require(sequenceParameterSetLength)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header sps data failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (sequenceParameterSetLength > 0) { srs_freep(sequenceParameterSetNALUnit); sequenceParameterSetNALUnit = new char[sequenceParameterSetLength]; memcpy(sequenceParameterSetNALUnit, stream->data() + stream->pos(), sequenceParameterSetLength); stream->skip(sequenceParameterSetLength); } // 1 pps if (!stream->require(1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header pps failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } int8_t numOfPictureParameterSets = stream->read_1bytes(); numOfPictureParameterSets &= 0x1f; if (numOfPictureParameterSets != 1) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header pps failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (!stream->require(2)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header pps size failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } pictureParameterSetLength = stream->read_2bytes(); if (!stream->require(pictureParameterSetLength)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc sequenc header pps data failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (pictureParameterSetLength > 0) { srs_freep(pictureParameterSetNALUnit); pictureParameterSetNALUnit = new char[pictureParameterSetLength]; memcpy(pictureParameterSetNALUnit, stream->data() + stream->pos(), pictureParameterSetLength); stream->skip(pictureParameterSetLength); } return ret; } int SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_annexb_format(SrsStream* stream, SrsCodecSample* sample) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // not annexb, try others if (!srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, NULL)) { return ERROR_HLS_AVC_TRY_OTHERS; } // AnnexB // B.1.1 Byte stream NAL unit syntax, // H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 211. while (!stream->empty()) { // find start code int nb_start_code = 0; if (!srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, &nb_start_code)) { return ret; } // skip the start code. if (nb_start_code > 0) { stream->skip(nb_start_code); } // the NALU start bytes. char* p = stream->data() + stream->pos(); // get the last matched NALU while (!stream->empty()) { if (srs_avc_startswith_annexb(stream, NULL)) { break; } stream->skip(1); } char* pp = stream->data() + stream->pos(); // skip the empty. if (pp - p <= 0) { continue; } // got the NALU. if ((ret = sample->add_sample_unit(p, pp - p)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("annexb add video sample failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } } return ret; } int SrsAvcAacCodec::avc_demux_ibmf_format(SrsStream* stream, SrsCodecSample* sample) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; int PictureLength = stream->size() - stream->pos(); // Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 16 // AVC decoder configuration record // Semantics // The value of this field shall be one of 0, 1, or 3 corresponding to a // length encoded with 1, 2, or 4 bytes, respectively. srs_assert(NAL_unit_length != 2); // Syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-15.pdf, page 20 for (int i = 0; i < PictureLength;) { // unsigned int((NAL_unit_length+1)*8) NALUnitLength; if (!stream->require(NAL_unit_length + 1)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc NALU size failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } int32_t NALUnitLength = 0; if (NAL_unit_length == 3) { NALUnitLength = stream->read_4bytes(); } else if (NAL_unit_length == 1) { NALUnitLength = stream->read_2bytes(); } else { NALUnitLength = stream->read_1bytes(); } // maybe stream is invalid format. // see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/issues/183 if (NALUnitLength < 0) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("maybe stream is AnnexB format. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // NALUnit if (!stream->require(NALUnitLength)) { ret = ERROR_HLS_DECODE_ERROR; srs_error("hls decode video avc NALU data failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // 7.3.1 NAL unit syntax, H.264-AVC-ISO_IEC_14496-10.pdf, page 44. if ((ret = sample->add_sample_unit(stream->data() + stream->pos(), NALUnitLength)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("hls add video sample failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } stream->skip(NALUnitLength); i += NAL_unit_length + 1 + NALUnitLength; } return ret; }