
add comments for srs thread, add never quit thread.

#include <srs_app_st.hpp>
* the handler for the thread, callback interface.
* the thread model defines as:
* handler->on_thread_start()
* while loop:
* handler->on_before_cycle()
* handler->cycle()
* handler->on_end_cycle()
* if !loop then break for user stop thread.
* sleep(CycleIntervalMilliseconds)
* handler->on_thread_stop()
* when stop, the thread will interrupt the st_thread,
* which will cause the socket to return error and
* terminate the cycle thread.
* Usage 1: stop by other thread.
* user can create thread and stop then start again and again,
* generally must provides a start and stop method, @see SrsIngester.
* the step to create a thread stop by other thread:
* 1. create SrsThread field, with joinable true.
* 2. must use stop to stop and join the thread.
* for example:
* class SrsIngester : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: SrsIngester() { pthread = new SrsThread("ingest", this, SRS_AUTO_INGESTER_SLEEP_US, true); }
* public: virtual int start() { return pthread->start(); }
* public: virtual void stop() { pthread->stop(); }
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* // check status, start ffmpeg when stopped.
* }
* };
* Usage 2: stop by thread itself.
* user can create thread which stop itself,
* generally only need to provides a start method,
* the object will destroy itself then terminate the thread, @see SrsConnection
* 1. create SrsThread field, with joinable false.
* 2. owner stop thread loop, destroy itself when thread stop.
* for example:
* class SrsConnection : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: SrsConnection() { pthread = new SrsThread("conn", this, 0, false); }
* public: virtual int start() { return pthread->start(); }
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* // serve client.
* // set loop to stop to quit, stop thread itself.
* pthread->stop_loop();
* }
* public: virtual int on_thread_stop() {
* // remove the connection in thread itself.
* server->remove(this);
* }
* };
* Usage 3: loop in the cycle method.
* user can use loop code in the cycle method, @see SrsForwarder
* 1. create SrsThread field, with or without joinable is ok.
* 2. loop code in cycle method, check the can_loop() for thread to quit.
* for example:
* class SrsForwarder : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* while (pthread->can_loop()) {
* // read msgs from queue and forward to server.
* }
* }
* };
* @remark why should check can_loop() in cycle method?
* when thread interrupt, the socket maybe not got EINT,
* espectially on st_usleep(), so the cycle must check the loop,
* when handler->cycle() has loop itself, for example:
* while (true):
* if (read_from_socket(skt) < 0) break;
* if thread stop when read_from_socket, it's ok, the loop will break,
* but when thread stop interrupt the s_usleep(0), then the loop is
* death loop.
* in a word, the handler->cycle() must:
* while (pthread->can_loop()):
* if (read_from_socket(skt) < 0) break;
* check the loop, then it works.
* @remark why should use stop_loop() to terminate thread in itself?
* in the thread itself, that is the cycle method,
* if itself want to terminate the thread, should never use stop(),
* but use stop_loop() to set the loop to false and terminate normally.
* @remark when should set the interval_us, and when not?
* the cycle will invoke util cannot loop, eventhough the return code of cycle is error,
* so the interval_us used to sleep for each cycle.
* the handler for the thread, callback interface.
* the thread model defines as:
* handler->on_thread_start()
* while loop:
* handler->on_before_cycle()
* handler->cycle()
* handler->on_end_cycle()
* if !loop then break for user stop thread.
* sleep(CycleIntervalMilliseconds)
* handler->on_thread_stop()
* when stop, the thread will interrupt the st_thread,
* which will cause the socket to return error and
* terminate the cycle thread.
* Usage 1: loop thread never quit.
* user can create thread always running util server terminate.
* the step to create a thread never stop:
* 1. create SrsThread field, with joinable false.
* for example:
* class SrsStreamCache : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: SrsStreamCache() { pthread = new SrsThread("http-stream", this, SRS_AUTO_STREAM_SLEEP_US, false); }
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* // check status, start ffmpeg when stopped.
* }
* }
* Usage 2: stop by other thread.
* user can create thread and stop then start again and again,
* generally must provides a start and stop method, @see SrsIngester.
* the step to create a thread stop by other thread:
* 1. create SrsThread field, with joinable true.
* 2. must use stop to stop and join the thread.
* for example:
* class SrsIngester : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: SrsIngester() { pthread = new SrsThread("ingest", this, SRS_AUTO_INGESTER_SLEEP_US, true); }
* public: virtual int start() { return pthread->start(); }
* public: virtual void stop() { pthread->stop(); }
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* // check status, start ffmpeg when stopped.
* }
* };
* Usage 3: stop by thread itself.
* user can create thread which stop itself,
* generally only need to provides a start method,
* the object will destroy itself then terminate the thread, @see SrsConnection
* 1. create SrsThread field, with joinable false.
* 2. owner stop thread loop, destroy itself when thread stop.
* for example:
* class SrsConnection : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: SrsConnection() { pthread = new SrsThread("conn", this, 0, false); }
* public: virtual int start() { return pthread->start(); }
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* // serve client.
* // set loop to stop to quit, stop thread itself.
* pthread->stop_loop();
* }
* public: virtual int on_thread_stop() {
* // remove the connection in thread itself.
* server->remove(this);
* }
* };
* Usage 4: loop in the cycle method.
* user can use loop code in the cycle method, @see SrsForwarder
* 1. create SrsThread field, with or without joinable is ok.
* 2. loop code in cycle method, check the can_loop() for thread to quit.
* for example:
* class SrsForwarder : public ISrsThreadHandler {
* public: virtual int cycle() {
* while (pthread->can_loop()) {
* // read msgs from queue and forward to server.
* }
* }
* };
* @remark why should check can_loop() in cycle method?
* when thread interrupt, the socket maybe not got EINT,
* espectially on st_usleep(), so the cycle must check the loop,
* when handler->cycle() has loop itself, for example:
* while (true):
* if (read_from_socket(skt) < 0) break;
* if thread stop when read_from_socket, it's ok, the loop will break,
* but when thread stop interrupt the s_usleep(0), then the loop is
* death loop.
* in a word, the handler->cycle() must:
* while (pthread->can_loop()):
* if (read_from_socket(skt) < 0) break;
* check the loop, then it works.
* @remark why should use stop_loop() to terminate thread in itself?
* in the thread itself, that is the cycle method,
* if itself want to terminate the thread, should never use stop(),
* but use stop_loop() to set the loop to false and terminate normally.
* @remark when should set the interval_us, and when not?
* the cycle will invoke util cannot loop, eventhough the return code of cycle is error,
* so the interval_us used to sleep for each cycle.
class ISrsThreadHandler
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