12.2 KB
/*国际化信息*/let localConfig = {
"zh-cn": {
"title": "直播互动课堂",
"exitBtn": "退出",
"exitCont": "确定要退出当前课堂吗?",
"setBtn": "设置",
"helpBtn": "帮助",
"endClassroom": "结束课堂",
"endClassroomCont": "确定要结束当前课堂吗?",
"pauseClassroom": "暂停上课",
"startClassroom": "开始上课",
"openVideo": "开启视频",
"openAudio": "开启音频",
"closeVideo": "挂断视频",
"closeAudio": "挂断音频",
"closeMedia": "挂断",
"member": "成员",
"memberNum": "成员人数",
"discuss": "讨论",
"sendMsg": "发送",
"showColor": "选择颜色",
"controlBrush": "控制学生画笔",
"pencil": "铅笔",
"rescind": "撤销上一步",
"delete": "删除",
"downAnimated": "下一步动画",
"onAnimated": "上一步动画",
"adaptiveHigh": "自适应高",
"adaptiveWidth": "自适应宽",
"showAll": "显示全部",
"raiseBtn": "举手",
"documentList": "文档列表",
"listedFiles": "文件列表",
"mediaShareList": "媒体文件列表",
"help": "帮助",
"setUp": "设置",
"camera": "摄像头",
"microphone": "麦克风",
"volume": "音量",
"preserve": "保存",
"confirm": "确定",
"cancel": "取消",
"enterUserName": "请输入用户名",
"enterPassword": "请输入密码",
"register": "登录",
"enterClass": "请输入课堂号",
"enterId": "请输入userId",
"teacher": "老师",
"student": "学生",
"invisible": "监课",
"liveBroadcast": "直播中",
"rest": "休息中",
"layoutCont": "选择的文件格式不支持!请选择其它格式(*.jpg;*.png;*.pdf;*.docx;*.pptx;*.xlsx)",
"layoutImg": "选择的文件格式不支持!请选择其它格式(*.jpg;*.png;*.pdf;*.gif;*.bmp;)",
"loaded": "已加载:",
"fileLoadingErr": "文档加载失败!",
"uploadFileFailed": "上传文件失败!",
"uploadFileFailedEncryption": "上传失败,文档加密或受保护.请尝试将文档复制到新文件并重命名之后再上传",
"uploaDocumentErr": "文件上传失败!",
"fileName": "文件名",
"fileError": "文件太大不能上传!不能超过50MB",
"chatError": "文件太大不能上传!不能超过5MB",
"fileFormatError": "选择的文件格式不支持!",
"serverError": "文档服务器地址无效,无法上传文件!",
"notStart": "未开始",
"quitClass": "已经退出课堂",
"initClass": "正在初始化课堂....",
"joinClass": "正在加入课堂....",
"correctPassword": "请输入正确密码",
"disconnected": "已经断开连接",
"unknown": "未知",
"default": "默认",
"opening": "正在开启",
"downloadVersion": "请先下载最新版插件",
"downloading": "正在下载中...",
"stopSharing": "终止共享",
"answerSheet": "答题卡",
"rollCall": "点名",
"selectFile": "选择文档",
"screenSharing": "屏幕共享",
"updateMediaFile": "上传媒体文件",
"selectMediaFile": "选择媒体文件",
"uploadAudio": "上传音频",
"laserPen": "激光笔",
"upload": "上 传",
"audioFilelist": "音频文件列表",
"clickView": "点击查看成员",
"clickHideList": "点击隐藏列表",
"raiseNum": "人举手",
"nothing": "无",
"second": "秒",
"minute": "分钟",
"namingTheCountdown": "点名倒计时:",
"startName": "发起点名",
"attendance": "出勤人数",
"terminationRollCall": "终止点名",
"signIn": "签到",
"cardType": "卡片类型:",
"inputAnswer": "输入答案",
"gotIt": "听明白了",
"understand": "没听明白",
"yes": "对",
"wrong": "错",
"yup": "是",
"answerTime": "答题计时:",
"answerCountdown": "答题倒计时: ",
"release": "发布",
"enterAnswer": "填空题需要输入答案才能进行发布进行正确率统计",
"answerResult": "答题结果:",
"share": "共有",
"participation": "人参与",
"hideCount": "隐藏",
"termination": "终止",
"submitMsg": "提交",
"giveUp": "放弃",
"answerIsNotEmpty": "填空题答案不能为空",
"selectShape": "选择形状",
"curveStyle": "曲线",
"justStyle": "直线",
"circleStyle": "圆形",
"squareStyle": "方形",
"customStyle": "自定义",
"cameraAccessFailed": "摄像头获取失败",
"microphoneAccessFailed": "麦克风获取失败",
"pleaseOpenFlash": "flash插件被禁用,请在浏览器设置中开启允许flash运行",
"playback": "回放中",
"en-us": {
"title": "Live interactive classroom",
"exitBtn": "Sign out",
"exitCont": "Are you sure you want to quit the current classroom?",
"setBtn": "Set up",
"helpBtn": "Help",
"endClassroom": "End class",
"endClassroomCont": "Are you sure you want to end the current class?",
"pauseClassroom": "Suspend class",
"startClassroom": "Class begins",
"openVideo": "Open video",
"openAudio": "Open audio",
"closeVideo": "Video off",
"closeAudio": "Disconnect audio",
"closeMedia": "Hang up",
"member": "Member",
"memberNum": "Membership",
"discuss": "Discuss",
"sendMsg": "Send",
"showColor": "Select color",
"controlBrush": "Control student brush",
"pencil": "Pencil",
"rescind": "Undo the previous step",
"delete": "Delete",
"downAnimated": "Next animation",
"onAnimated": "Previous animation",
"adaptiveHigh": "Adaptive high",
"adaptiveWidth": "Adaptive width",
"showAll": "Show all",
"raiseBtn": "Raise",
"documentList": "Document list",
"listedFiles": "listed files",
"mediaShareList": "Media list",
"help": "Help",
"setUp": "Set up",
"camera": "Camera",
"microphone": "Microphone",
"volume": "Volume",
"preserve": "Preservation",
"confirm": "Determine",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"enterUserName": "Enter one user name",
"enterPassword": "Please input a password",
"register": "Sign in",
"enterClass": "Please enter class number",
"enterId": "Please enter userId",
"teacher": "Teacher",
"student": "Student",
"invisible": "Supervise a class",
"liveBroadcast": "Live broadcast",
"rest": "Rest",
"layoutCont": "The selected file format is not supported! Please select another format(*.jpg;*.png;*.pdf;*.docx;*.pptx;*.xlsx)",
"layoutImg": "The selected file format is not supported! Please select another format(*.jpg;*.png;*.pdf;*.gif;*.bmp;)",
"mediaLayoutCont":"The selected file format is not supported! Please select another format(*.mp4)",
"musicLayoutCont":"The selected file format is not supported! Please select another format(*.mp3)",
"InvalidAddress": "The file server address is invalid!",
"loaded": "Loaded:",
"fileLoadingErr": "Document loading failed!",
"uploadFileFailed": "Upload file failed!",
"uploadFileFailedEncryption": "Upload failed,document encrypted or protected.Please try to copy the document to the new file and rename it before uploading it",
"uploaDocumentErr": "Failed to upload !",
"fileName": "File name",
"fileError": "The file is too large to upload! No more than 50MB",
"chatError": "The file is too large to upload! No more than 5MB",
"fileFormatError": "The selected file format is not supported!",
"serverError": "the file server address is invalid!",
"notStart": "not start",
"quitClass": "quit class",
"initClass": "Initializing class....",
"joinClass": "Joining classroom....",
"correctPassword": "Please enter the correct password",
"disconnected": "Disconnected",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"default": "Default",
"playback": "Playback",
"opening": "Opening",
"downloadVersion": "Download Plug-in",
"downloading": "Downloading...",
"stopSharing": "Stop sharing",
"answerSheet": "Answer sheet",
"rollCall": "Roll call",
"selectFile": "Select file",
"screenSharing": "Screen sharing",
"updateMediaFile": "Upload media files",
"selectMediaFile": "Select media file",
"uploadAudio": "Upload audio",
"laserPen": "laser pen",
"upload": "upload",
"audioFilelist": "Audio file list",
"clickView": "Click to view members",
"clickHideList": "Click hidden list",
"raiseNum": "hands up",
"nothing": "nothing",
"second": "second",
"minute": "minute",
"namingTheCountdown": "Naming the countdown",
"startName": "Start name",
"attendance": "Attendance",
"terminationRollCall": "Termination of roll call",
"signIn": "sign in",
"cardType": "Card type:",
"inputAnswer": "Input answer",
"gotIt": "Got it",
"understand": "I don't understand",
"yes": "Yes",
"wrong": "Wrong",
"yup": "yup",
"answerTime": "Answer time:",
"answerCountdown": "Answer countdown: ",
"release": "Release",
"enterAnswer": "Fill in the blanks,you need to enter the answer in order to publish the correct rate statistics",
"answerResult": "Answer result:",
"share": "Share",
"participation": "individual participation",
"hideCount": "hide",
"termination": "termination",
"submitMsg": "submit",
"giveUp": "give up",
"answerIsNotEmpty": "Fill in the blanks. The answer is not empty",
"selectShape": "Select Shape",
"curveStyle": "curve",
"justStyle": "straight line",
"circleStyle": "circle",
"squareStyle": "side",
"customStyle": "custom",
"cameraAccessFailed": "Camera access failed",
"microphoneAccessFailed": "Microphone access failed",
"pleaseOpenFlash": "The flash plug-in is disabled. Please open in browser settings to allow flash to run",
"noFreePlayer":"Publish->No free player to use",
"cantOpenDevice":"Can't open the more devices",
"kickOutClass":"Kick out of class",
"gagContent":"You have been banned, temporarily unable to speak!",
"cameraOccupied":"The camera has been used or pushed to fail",
"microphoneOccupied":"The microphone has been used or pushed to fail",
"noCamera":"No camera",
"noMicrophone":"No microphone",
"flashMsgContent":"Your flash may be disabled or the version is too low. Please try again after downloading",
"nowLiveVersion":"Live browser version is supported now:",
"speed360":"360 speed",
"speed360Recommend":"360 speed (recommended)",
"security360":"360 security",
"sogouExplorer":"Sogou Explorer",
"nowPlaybackVersion":"Support for recording playback browser version now:",
"security360Only":"360 security (only version 9.1)",
"browserAreaSettings":"Depending on your browser area settings:",
"flashForbiddenMsg":"Your flash may be disabled. Please open and try again!",
"flashVersionsLow":"Your version of flash is too low, please",
}};export default localConfig;